Caught in a Cuddle
Desi has had a lingering cough for the last two weeks or so and coughs quite a bit in the night. When checking on him Monday night, I found him thus with his frog (from Auntie Hailey) and his yellow ball (from G&G Jones) He's never displayed an attachment to any of the critters I've designed to be bedtimebuddies. Last night he actually reached for his little bear as I was tucking him in. Very cute. Perhaps Nathan and I can relocate back to our bed if he finds comfort in one of the three soft animals I make sure are with him every night. We have been sleeping on the couch bed for over two months now because of his repeated sleep interuptions through the night when he discovers our immediate presence and calls out. I'm looking into a screen/roomdivider to try and block our bed from his sleepy view and so we can reclaim our bed again.
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